Ashe Juniper
Juniperus ashei, commonly known as Ashe Juniper, is a species of evergreen tree native to the south-central United States. It grows in dry, rocky soils in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas and has a pyramidal shape with a dense, conical crown. It is an extremely hardy species that can survive in temperatures as low as -25°F. The bark of the Ashe Juniper is reddish-brown and scaly, and it produces a fragrant, bluish-green foliage. The wood of this species is light brown to reddish-brown in color and has a medium to coarse texture. It is heavy and hard, with a moderately high shrinkage rate and very low decay resistance. It is often used for fence posts, poles, flooring, and other outdoor structural applications.
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Also Called:
Ashe Cedar, Mountain Cedar, Texas Cedar, Mountain Red Cedar, Post Cedar, Squaw Cedar, Redberry Juniper
Durability Notes:
Ashe Juniper (Juniperus ashei) is a durable wood species and is commonly used for outdoor projects such as decks, fences, and furniture. It is a dense wood and has excellent resistance to decay and insect damage. The heartwood of Ashe Juniper is reddish-brown and is usually straight grained with a fine, even texture. It is a relatively soft wood and is easy to work with hand and machine tools. It also takes paint and stain very well. Ashe Juniper is a good choice for outdoor projects that require a durable wood.
Ashe Juniper, or Juniperus ashei, is a very durable wood species with a medium to coarse texture and a straight grain pattern. It can be found in the southwestern United States and is often used as a building material and for furniture. It is also a popular choice for firewood.When seasoning Ashe Juniper, it is important to dry it slowly and evenly. It is best to store the wood in a location with good air circulation and some protection from the elements, such as a shed or garage. The wood should be stored off the ground and elevated to prevent rot or insect infestation. It can take several months to fully season, depending on the thickness of the wood. To test if the wood is dry enough, you can check the weight or use a moisture meter. Once it is seasoned, the wood is more stable and will be less susceptible to cracking, warping, and shrinking.
Ashe Juniper (Juniperus ashei) is a medium-sized coniferous evergreen tree that grows in the south-central United States. It is one of the most drought-tolerant conifers and is highly resistant to fire. The wood is reddish-brown in color and is strong, durable, and resistant to decay. It is a popular choice for outdoor furniture, fencing, and other woodworking projects due to its strength and durability. It also has a pleasant aroma and is often used for aromatherapy. The wood is also used for fuel and is a popular choice for fireplaces and wood-burning stoves.
Typical Uses:
Furniture, Cabinets, Flooring, Decking, Siding, Milling, Carving, Lathe Turning.
More Info:
Ashe Juniper is a slow-growing species and can take up to 50 years to reach maturity. The wood is strong and stiff, with a low bending strength and stiffness. Its grain pattern is straight and even, and the wood has a medium to coarse texture. It is possible to use this species for turning, and it can be used in the manufacture of furniture, cabinetry, and other decorative woodwork. It is also often used as firewood or as charcoal. It is possible to stain, polish, or paint the wood of Ashe Juniper, but doing so may reduce its durability.
Spiritual Properties:
Ashe Juniper is not known to possess any spiritual properties. It is, however, held in high regard by many Native American tribes, who use it in their ceremonies and rituals. The wood is known to be strong and durable, and is often used for making bows, arrows, and other hunting tools. It is also known to be a source of good luck and protection.
Possible Health Risks:
Juniperus ashei, or Ashe Juniper, is generally considered to be a safe wood to use. There is no evidence to suggest that it poses any health risks to humans. However, it is important to note that some people may be allergic to juniper pollen, so it is wise to exercise caution when using this wood if you are allergic to juniper pollen. Additionally, inhalation of sawdust from any wood species can cause respiratory irritation, so it is advised to use a dust mask when working with Ashe Juniper.
Ashe Juniper (Juniperus ashei) is a highly durable and versatile wood species that is increasingly being used for a variety of applications. It is considered to be one of the most sustainable wood species available due to its fast growth rate and ability to regenerate quickly after being harvested. Its hard, dense wood is resistant to rot, decay, and insects, making it an ideal choice for outdoor projects. The environmental impact of Ashe Juniper is minimal when harvested sustainably, as it consumes less energy than other materials and requires less energy to process into usable products. Furthermore, it produces less air pollution and is biodegradable, making it a great choice for eco-friendly projects.
Interesting Facts:
Ashe Juniper (Juniperus ashei) is a species of evergreen shrub or small tree native to the southern United States. It is often found growing in dry, rocky soils. The Ashe Juniper has an attractive, grey-green to silvery foliage and produces small, blue-green, berry-like fruits that are edible. It is an important food source for birds, small mammals, and deer. It is also used as an ornamental plant in landscaping. The Ashe Juniper is a drought-tolerant species and is resistant to fire, making it an ideal choice for a xeriscape garden. It is also a valuable source of wood for furniture, flooring, and other woodworking projects. The wood is dense and durable and is highly resistant to rot and insect damage. The Ashe Juniper is a hardy and long-lasting species that can live for up to 500 years.
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WooduWeigh is a real time calculator that uses a wood density algorithm that allows you calculate the weight of any quantity of Ashe Juniper timber. Visit Wooduweigh
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