Carbonero Hardwood


Carbonero (Pseudopiptadenia pittieri) is a medium-hardwood species native to Central and South America. It has a yellowish-brown heartwood, which darkens to a reddish-brown when exposed to light. It has a fine and even texture and a straight grain, and is highly durable, resistant to decay, and quite stable. It is often used for making furniture, flooring, and paneling, as well as for boatbuilding and other outdoor applications due to its excellent durability. It is also widely used in construction, in the manufacture of musical instruments, and as a fuelwood.

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Also Called:
Pesudo Piptadenia, Piptadenia Pittieri, Carbonero Wood, Pseudopiptadenia Pittieri, Amazonian Ironwood, Amazonian Pau Ferro, Pau Ferro

Durability Notes:
Carbonero (Pseudopiptadenia pittieri, syn. Piptadenia pittieri) is a tropical hardwood species native to Central and South America. It has good durability and is resistant to termites and fungi. The wood is very heavy and has a high density of 790 - 800 kg/m3. Carbonero is a popular choice for furniture, flooring, and other applications that require strength and durability. The wood is also very resistant to warping and shrinkage, making it a great choice for outdoor settings. The wood has a beautiful natural grain and color, making it an attractive choice for decorative applications.

Carbonero (Pseudopiptadenia pittieri) is a tropical hardwood species native to Central and South America. It is also known by the synonym Piptadenia pittieri. It is a heavy, hard, and strong wood with a medium texture. It is usually light to dark brown in color, with darker and more contrasting colors near the heartwood.Carbonero is a very durable wood and is suitable for outdoor applications. It is also very resistant to termite and fungal attack. It is mainly used for furniture, flooring, cabinetry, boatbuilding, musical instruments, and other woodworking projects.When seasoning Carbonero, the wood should be air-dried slowly and gradually. It is recommended to dry the wood slowly and evenly to avoid checking, splitting, and other defects. It is also important to store the wood in a well-ventilated area. If possible, store the wood in a shaded, dry area.Once the wood is properly dried, it is ready to be used in woodworking projects. Carbonero is a perfect wood for outdoor projects, as it is highly durable and resistant to decay and weathering.

Carbonero (Pseudopiptadenia pittieri) is a tropical hardwood found in Central and South America. It is a light-colored wood with a fine texture and straight grain. It is moderately hard and dense, with a Janka hardness rating of 1,540 lbf. It is highly resistant to decay, making it a great choice for outdoor applications. It has excellent bending and shock resistance properties, as well as good machining characteristics. It also takes a good finish, making it popular for interior applications.

Typical Uses:
Furniture, Cabinetry, Flooring, Musical Instruments, Decorative Veneer, Carving, Staircases, Boatbuilding, Bridges.

More Info:
Carbonero (Pseudopiptadenia pittieri) is highly valued as it is one of the densest and hardest of the hardwoods, with a density of 0.88 g/cm3. It is also highly resistant to termites, fungus, and other insects, making it a great choice for long-lasting furniture and other applications. Carbonero is a closed-grain wood, meaning that the grain pattern of the wood is not visible, making it ideal for a smooth finish. It can be stained and polished to a high gloss, making it a great choice for decorative pieces. Additionally, Carbonero has a low shrinkage rate, meaning that it can be used in areas with high humidity without risk of warping or cracking.

Spiritual Properties:
There are no known spiritual properties associated with the wood species Carbonero, also known by its botanical name Pseudopiptadenia pittieri (syn. Piptadenia pittieri). This species of wood is native to the Brazilian Amazon and is often used for furniture and construction.

Possible Health Risks:
Carbonero, also known by its botanical name Pseudopiptadenia pittieri (syn. Piptadenia pittieri), is a species of hardwood native to Latin America. The wood from this species is commonly used for construction, furniture, and other woodworking projects. While there is limited research on the potential health risks of Carbonero wood to humans, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that the use of this wood is dangerous or hazardous to human health. However, as with any woodworking project, it is important to take precautions, such as wearing protective gear and using a dust mask, to minimize any potential health risks. Additionally, Carbonero wood is known to be highly resinous, so it is recommended to wear gloves and other protective clothing when handling this material.

Carbonero, also known by its botanical name Pseudopiptadenia pittieri (syn. Piptadenia pittieri) is a species of hardwood native to Central and South America. It is known for its durability and resistance to decay, making it popular for furniture, flooring, and other construction applications. The wood is also sustainable, as it is harvested from managed forests with a focus on reforestation. Carbonero is also an environmentally friendly wood, as it is harvested in a sustainable manner and is not treated with any chemicals or coatings. Additionally, the wood is low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making it a good choice for interior use. Carbonero's sustainability and environmental impact make it a good choice for many applications.

Interesting Facts:
Carbonero is a South American hardwood species native to the Amazon basin. It is a very dense, heavy wood that has a deep, rich color range of gold, yellow, brown, and reddish-brown. The wood is highly resistant to decay and has excellent dimensional stability, making it an ideal choice for flooring, furniture, and other woodworking projects. Carbonero is also known for its attractive grain patterns and is often used for decorative pieces. The wood is also highly valued for its excellent acoustic properties, making it a popular choice for musical instruments.

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