What wood is best for Chess Sets:

In total there are 14 timber options and recommendations for Chess Sets, we have ordered the timbers by their availability status, click the timber name to view in depth details and specifications which will help you with your woodworking project.

Timber Recommendations: (7):

view Ash (American White)
Ash (American White) - Hardwood

American White AshAsh is normally straight-grained and coarse. The narrow heartwood is almost white. The contrast between heartwood and sapwood makes for a unique attractive...

Durability: Non Durable - Workability: Moderately Workable - Availability: Readily available

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view Black Walnut (American)
Black Walnut (American) - Hardwood

American Black WalnutThe heartwood of American Walnut can be light greyish-brown, dark brown or purplish-black. The sapwood can be almost white to a yellow, creamy-brown. The...

Durability: Non Durable - Workability: Workable - Availability: Readily available

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view Maple (American)
Maple (American) - Hardwood

American MapleThe heartwood of Maple is a uniform pale reddish-brown or light tan, the sapwood is white with a reddish tinge. It has a typically straight grain, which can sometimes...

Durability: Moderately Durable - Workability: Workable - Availability: Readily available

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view Oak (American White)
Oak (American White) - Hardwood

American White OakThe heartwood of American White oak can vary in colour from light tan or pale yellow-brown to dark or pale brown, and can even have a pinkish tint. American Oak...

Durability: Somewhat Durable - Workability: Workable - Availability: Readily available

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view Oak - Prime S/E (Euro)
Oak - Prime S/E (Euro) - Hardwood

European Oak - Prime GradeKiln Dried OakDepending on origin, the heartwood of oak varies from light tan to a deep brown, with distinct bands of early wood and latewood. The grain...

Durability: Durable (external use) - Workability: Slightly Workable - Availability: Readily available

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view Sapele
Sapele - Hardwood

Sapele MahoganyWhen newly cut the heartwood of Sapele is pink but then darkens to a red-brown or purple-brown on exposure. The grain is moderately interlocked or wavy, with a fine...

Durability: Somewhat Durable - Workability: Workable - Availability: Readily available

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view Scandinavian Redwood
Scandinavian Redwood - Softwood

Unsorted Redwood (Best Quality) - Joinery SoftwoodThe widely distributed species varies according to its origin. Typically, the heartwood of this redwood is pale reddish-brown and...

Durability: Moderately Durable - Workability: Workable - Availability: Readily available

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Wood Chess Sets timber suggestions and recomnedations.

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