Timbauba, scientifically known as Enterolobium schomburgkii, is a hardwood species that is native to Central and South America. It is a medium to large-sized tree, reaching heights of up to 40 meters and trunk diameters of over 1 meter. The wood is fairly heavy, with a density of around 0.8-0.9 g/cm3, and has a yellowish or pinkish brown color. Its grain is interlocked and sometimes irregular, with a medium to coarse texture. It is moderately durable, but is susceptible to insect attack. Timbauba is commonly used for construction, furniture, flooring, and veneer.
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Material Type:
Also Called:
Brazilian, Chestnut, Macaranduba, Elephant, Ear, Tree, Summer, Ear, Pod, Tree, Guapinol, Para, Chestnut
Durability Notes:
Timbauba (Enterolobium schomburgkii) is a medium-hardwood species that is known for its durability, with good natural resistance to decay, insects, and fungi. It is often used in outdoor applications due to its strong resistance to weathering, making it an ideal choice for outdoor furniture and decking. The wood has a medium to fine texture, and is usually light yellow or yellow-brown in color. It is usually easy to work with, and can be stained or painted for a finished look. Overall, Timbauba is an excellent choice for outdoor projects due to its durability and natural resistance to decay and weathering.
Timbauba (Enterolobium schomburgkii) is a hardwood species native to South America that is often used in furniture and cabinetry. The wood is dense, durable and resistant to decay due to its high oil content. However, due to its high oil content, it can be difficult to season properly. Proper seasoning of Timbauba wood involves slowly drying the wood in a controlled environment to avoid splitting, cracking, and warping. It is important to keep the temperature and humidity levels low and consistent, and to monitor the wood for any signs of distress during the seasoning process. If done properly, the wood should be completely dry in about 2-3 months. Once the wood is dry, it can be used for furniture or cabinetry.
Timbauba, also known by its botanical name Enterolobium schomburgkii, is a tropical hardwood native to Brazil. It has a medium fine texture with a yellowish-brown to dark brown color, and a straight to irregular grain pattern. It is a very dense wood, with a high shrinkage factor and good stability. The wood is difficult to work, but finishes well with a smooth, glossy surface. It is highly resistant to decay and termites, making it a suitable material for outdoor use. The wood is also used for furniture, flooring, cabinetry, and other decorative items.
Typical Uses:
Furniture making, Cabinetry, Flooring, Decking, Turnery, Carving.
More Info:
Timbauba (Enterolobium schomburgkii) is an excellent choice for flooring and veneer due to its relatively high density and interlocked grain pattern. The wood has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it a great choice for construction and furniture applications. However, Timbauba is not suitable for outdoor use due to its susceptibility to insect attack. The wood also has a low shock resistance, so it should not be used in applications that require frequent impacts.
Spiritual Properties:
Timbauba, also known as Enterolobium schomburgkii, is not known to have any spiritual properties associated with it. However, it is a dense hardwood that is often used for construction, furniture, and carving, which may be seen as a symbol of strength and resilience.
Possible Health Risks:
Timbauba, also known by its botanical name Enterolobium schomburgkii, is considered to be a safe and non-toxic wood. It contains no known toxins and poses no health risks to humans when used in woodworking. It has been used in the past as a substitute for rosewood and mahogany in furniture and other woodworking projects. There is no evidence to suggest that it has any negative health effects when used by humans.
Timbauba, also known by its botanical name Enterolobium schomburgkii, is a tropical hardwood species that is considered to be very sustainable and environmentally friendly. It is fast-growing, with a high rate of natural regeneration, and its wood is strong and durable. It is also resistant to rot and decay, making it a good choice for outdoor furniture and decking. The timber is also resistant to termites and borers, so it can be used for a variety of applications without fear of damage. Furthermore, the tree is an excellent source of shade and helps reduce the local temperature and air pollution. In terms of sustainability, Timbauba is a great choice for environmentally conscious builders and homeowners.
Interesting Facts:
Timbauba, also known by its botanical name Enterolobium schomburgkii, is a tropical hardwood species native to Central and South America. It is a dense, heavy wood with a coarse, uneven texture and a uniform, yellow-brown to reddish-brown color. Timbauba is known for its exceptional durability and strength, making it a popular choice for furniture and flooring. It is also widely used in construction and boatbuilding. The wood has a high resistance to decay and insect attack, and is highly valued for its excellent fire and shock resistance. Timbauba is considered to be a sustainable timber species and is widely cultivated in plantations.
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WooduWeigh is a real time calculator that uses a wood density algorithm that allows you calculate the weight of any quantity of Timbauba timber. Visit Wooduweigh
If you would like to buy Timbauba or have Timbauba ready to sell then please visit the wood trading section powered by Woodutrade, where you can make timber contacts worldwide. Visit Woodutrade