Bombax brevicuspe, commonly known as Alone, is a fast-growing tropical hardwood tree species native to the tropical regions of Africa. It has a light yellow to dark brownish-red heartwood and a white sapwood. The wood is generally straight-grained and moderately coarse, with a medium texture. It has good dimensional stability and is easy to work with, making it a popular choice for furniture, cabinetry, and boat building. It is also used for flooring, paneling, and veneer. The wood is both durable and resistant to termites and other insects. Its hardness and strength make it suitable for heavy-duty construction applications.
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Also Called:
Red, Cotton, Tree, Short, Silk, Cotton, Tree, Bastard, Silk, Cotton, Tree, False, Mallow, Tree, Bastard, Mallow, Tree
Durability Notes:
Bombax brevicuspe, commonly known as Alone, is a medium to hardwood with medium to high durability. It is not highly resistant to decay and should be used in applications in which decay is not a concern. Alone is often used in furniture and cabinetry, as well as in musical instruments and veneers. The wood is also suitable for carving and turning. Alone is relatively easy to work with both hand and machine tools, although it can sometimes be difficult to split and saw due to its interlocking grain. The wood has a medium to fine texture with a yellowish-brown heartwood and a pale yellow sapwood. The grain is usually straight, but can be irregular or wavy.
Alone, or Bombax brevicuspe, is an ideal wood species for seasoning due to its slow drying characteristics. It has a low shrinkage rate, which helps reduce the risk of warping or cracking during the drying process. Alone is also resistant to decay, making it an ideal choice for outdoor applications. When seasoning Alone, it is best to air dry the wood for at least two years before kiln drying or using a dehumidifier. This slow drying process allows the wood to adjust gradually to the changing humidity levels, reducing the risk of checking, splitting and other defects.
Alone (Bombax brevicuspe) is a hardwood species that is native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands. It has a medium to coarse texture with a generally straight grain. It is a heavy and strong wood that can be used in a variety of applications, such as furniture, flooring, cabinetry, and musical instruments. The heartwood is a pinkish-brown color, while the sapwood is a pale yellow. It is moderately durable and resistant to decay, with good dimensional stability. Alone is an excellent wood to use in woodworking projects due to its strength, stability, and attractive color.
Typical Uses:
Furniture, Cabinetry, Flooring, Carvings, Turning, Decorative Paneling.
More Info:
Bombax brevicuspe is a moderately dense wood species, with a specific gravity of 0.50-0.70. It has a high silica content and a low shrinkage factor, making it an ideal choice for outdoor projects and applications in areas prone to extreme weather. It is also known to be highly resistant to rot and decay, making it an ideal wood for long-term use. The wood's natural color ranges from light yellow to dark brownish-red, making it a great choice for furniture and cabinetry. It also has good machining qualities, allowing for a clean and smooth finish.
Spiritual Properties:
There are no known spiritual properties associated with the wood species Alone, also known by its botanical name Bombax brevicuspe.
Possible Health Risks:
The wood Alone, also known by its botanical name Bombax brevicuspe, is generally considered to be safe for human contact and use. There are no known potential health risks associated with the wood. However, it should be noted that some people may be sensitive to the dust produced by sanding the wood and should take extra precautions to avoid inhaling the dust. It is also important to properly maintain the wood by sealing it with a protective finish to minimize the potential for mold and bacteria growth.
The sustainability and environmental impact of Alone (Bombax brevicuspe) is quite good. Alone is considered a fast-growing species, with some trees reaching a height of 20 meters in only five years. This means that the species can be sustainably managed and harvested on a regular basis. The wood is also quite hard and durable, which makes it an ideal material for furniture, flooring, and other uses. Moreover, Alone is a renewable resource, making it a good choice for wood products that are designed to last. In terms of environmental impact, Alone is considered to be a low-impact species, with no significant adverse effects on the environment or its inhabitants. The wood is also non-toxic, making it a safe choice for those who are looking for eco-friendly products.
Interesting Facts:
Alone, also known by its botanical name Bombax brevicuspe, is a type of hardwood tree native to tropical Africa and India. It is a deciduous tree that grows up to 30 meters in height, and can live up to 150 years. The wood of the tree is hard and heavy, with a dark brown heartwood and yellowish-white sapwood. It is used in a variety of applications including furniture, flooring, and cabinetry. Alone is also known for its insect-resistant properties, as well as its ability to withstand rot and decay. It is also prized for its durability, making it a great choice for outdoor applications.
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