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Browser timber based on their alphabetically name. In this section you can browser all the timber details stored in our wood reference database. Click the categories on the right to view the alphabetical groups. You will then be able to view the full timber fact sheet and specification. Alternatively there is a search on the main navigation where you can browse all of the timbers in the database.
Material | Botanical Name | Type |
Jelutong | Dyera costulata and Dyera lowii (Apocynaceae) | Hardwood |
Jacareuba | Calophyllum brasiliense (Guttiferae) | Hardwood |
Jarrah | Eucalyptus marginata (Myrtaceae) | Hardwood |
Jacaranda Pardo | Machaerium villosum (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Japanese Birch | Betula maximowicziana | Hardwood |
Jucaro | Bucida buceras | Hardwood |
Jequitiba | Cariniana pyriformis | Hardwood |
Jaboty | Erisma uncinatum | Hardwood |
Japanese Beech | Fagus crenata | Hardwood |
Jagua | Genipa americana | Hardwood |
Japanese Spruce | Picea jezoensis | Softwood |
Japanese Red Pine | Pinus densiflora | Softwood |
Japanese Hemlock | Tsuga sieboldii | Softwood |
Japanese Fir | Abies mariesii | Softwood |
Material | Botanical Name | Type |
Koto | Pterygota bequaertii and Pterygota macrocarpa (Sterculiaceae) | Hardwood |
Keruing | Dipterocarpus spp. | Hardwood |
Kapur | Dryobalanops aromatica, D. beccarii, D. fusca, D. keithii, D. lanceolata, D. oblongifolia, D. rappa | Hardwood |
Koa | Acacia koa (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Kokko | Albizia lebbeck (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Kingwood | Dalbergia cearensis (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Karri | Eucalyptus diversicolor (Myrtaceae) | Hardwood |
Kaatoan Bangkal | Anthocephalus chinensis | Hardwood |
Katsura | Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Hardwood |
Kahikatea | Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (syn. Podocarpus dacrydioides) | Softwood |
Kaki | Diospyros kaki | Hardwood |
Kauvula | Endospermum medullosum | Hardwood |
Kirikawa (Marakaipo) | Iryanthera spp. | Hardwood |
Kempas | Koompassia malaccensis | Hardwood |
Keyaki | Zelkova serrata, Z. carpinifolia | Hardwood |
Material | Botanical Name | Type |
Larch (European) | Larix decidua (Pinaceae) | Softwood |
Lime, European | Tilia vulgaris and related species (Tiliaceae) | Hardwood |
Lati | Amphimas pterocarpioides (Legumiosae) | Hardwood |
Lignum Vitae | Guaiacum officinale and related species (Zygophyllaceae) | Hardwood |
Laburnum | Laburnum anagyroides (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Light Virola | Virola spp., incl. V. koschnyi and V. surinamensis (Myristicaceae) | Hardwood |
Light American Corda | Cardia alliodora | Hardwood |
Lampati | Duabanga sonneratioides | Hardwood |
Leche Perra | Helicostylis tomentosa | Hardwood |
Lauro Preto | Necrandra mollis | Hardwood |
Lancewood | Oxandra lanceolata | Hardwood |
Live Oak | Quercus virginiana | Hardwood |
Long John | Triplaris surinamensis | Hardwood |