Browse Timbers by Name. : G-I

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Alphabetical timbers: 'G-I'

Material Botanical Name Type
Greenheart Chlorocardium rodiaei (Lauraceace) Hardwood
Green Oak Quercus robur and Q. Petraea (Fagaceae) Hardwood
Grandis, Red Eucalyptus grandis Hardwood
Goncalo Alves Astronium fraxinifolium Hardwood
Gaboon Aucoumea klaineana (Burseraceae) Hardwood
Gedu Nohor Entandrophragma angolense (Meliaceae) Hardwood
Guanacaste Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Leguminosae) Hardwood
Guarea Guarea cedrata (Meliacae) Hardwood
Genero Lemonwood Calycophyllum multiflorum Hardwood
Giant Chinkapin Castanopsis chrysophylla Hardwood
Gabon Ebony Diospyros dendo Hardwood
Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba Softwood
Grumixava Micropholis guianensis Hardwood
Giant Sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum Softwood
Gidgee Acacia cambagei Hardwood
Material Botanical Name Type
Hemlock Western Tsuga heterophylla (Pinaceae) Softwood
Hickory Carya spp. (Juglandaceae) Hardwood
Hackberry Celtis occidentalis (Ulmacae) Softwood
Holly Ilex spp. (Aquifoliacae) Hardwood
Haiari Alexa imperatricis Hardwood
Hura Possumwood Hura crepitans Hardwood
Hoeboe Spondias mombin Hardwood
Material Botanical Name Type
Iroko Milicia excelsa and M. regia (Moraceae) Hardwood
Idigbo Terminalia ivorensis (Combretaceae) Hardwood
Ipe Tabebuia serratifolia (Bignoniaceae) Hardwood
Imbuia Phoebe (now Ocotea) poroa (Lauraceae) Hardwood
Indian Silver Greywood Terminalia bialata Hardwood
Indian Almond Terminalia catappa Hardwood
Izombe Testulea gabonensis Hardwood

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