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Browser timber based on their alphabetically name. In this section you can browser all the timber details stored in our wood reference database. Click the categories on the right to view the alphabetical groups. You will then be able to view the full timber fact sheet and specification. Alternatively there is a search on the main navigation where you can browse all of the timbers in the database.
Material | Botanical Name | Type |
Maple (American) | Acer saccharum and A. nigrum (Aceraceae) | Hardwood |
Massaranduba | Manilkara bidentata | Hardwood |
Majau | Shorea pauciflora | Hardwood |
Mahogany - African | Khaya ivorensis and related species (Meliaceae) | Hardwood |
Mersawa | Anisoptera laevis and related species (Dipterocarpaceae) | Hardwood |
Madrona | Arbutus menziesii (Ericaceae) | Hardwood |
Muhuhu | Brachylaena butchinsii (Compositae) | Hardwood |
Maracaibo Boxwood | Gossypiospermum praecox (Flacourtiaceae) | Hardwood |
Mengkulang | Heritiera javanica and related species (Sterculiaceae) | Hardwood |
Merbau | Intsia bijuga and I. palembanica (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Magnolia | Magnolia grandiflora (Magnoliaceae) | Hardwood |
Mansonia | Mansonia altissima (Triplochitonaceae) | Hardwood |
Mesquite | Prosopis juliflora (Mimosaceae) | Hardwood |
Muninga | Pterocarpus angolensis (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Mahogany (American) | Swietenia macrophylla and S. mahagoni | Hardwood |
Makore | Tieghemella heckelii and T. africana (Sapotaceae) | Hardwood |
Myrtle | Umbellularia californica (Myrtaceae) | Hardwood |
Moabi | Bailonella toxisperma | Hardwood |
Muhimbi | Cynometra alexandri | Hardwood |
Morototo | Didymopanax morototoni | Hardwood |
Marblewood | Diospyros marmorata | Hardwood |
Miva Mahogany | Dysoxylum muelleri | Hardwood |
Mutenye | Guibourtia arnoldiana | Hardwood |
Mango | Mangifera indica | Hardwood |
Manwood | Minquartia guianensis | Hardwood |
Mangrove | Rhizophora mangle | Hardwood |
Mulga | Acacia aneura | Hardwood |
Material | Botanical Name | Type |
Northern Catalpa | Catalpa speciosa | Hardwood |
Northern Sassafras | Daphnandra dielsii | Hardwood |
Nyatoh | Palaquium spp. | Hardwood |
Niangon | Tarrietia utilis | Hardwood |
Nargusta | Terminalia amazonia | Hardwood |
New Guinea Boxwood | Xanthophyllum papuanum | Hardwood |
Material | Botanical Name | Type |
Oak (American White) | Quercus alba and related species (Fagaceae) | Hardwood |
Oak - Prime S/E (Euro) | Quercus robur and Q. Petraea (Fagaceae) | Hardwood |
Oak - Joinery Grade S/E (Euro) | Quercus robur and Q. Petraea (Fagaceae) | Hardwood |
Oak - Character Grade (Euro) | Quercus robur and Q. Petraea (Fagaceae) | Hardwood |
Okan | Cylicodiscus gabunensis | Hardwood |
Opepe | Nauclea diderrichii (Rubiaceae) | Hardwood |
Obeche | Triplochiton scleroxylon (Sterculiaceae) | Hardwood |
Ovangkol | Guibourtia ehie (Leguminosae) | Hardwood |
Osage-Orange | Maclura pomifera (Moraceae) | Hardwood |
Olive (European) | Olea europaea (Oleaceae) | Hardwood |
Olive (East African) | Olea hochstetteri and O. welwitschii (Oleaceae) | Hardwood |
Okwen | Brachystegua spp. | Hardwood |
Ogea | Daniellia ogea | Hardwood |
Omu | Entandrophragma candollei | Hardwood |
Oysterwood | Gymnanthes lucida | Hardwood |
Obota | Mammea africana | Hardwood |
Oregon White Oak | Quercus garryanna | Hardwood |
Odoko | Scottellia spp. | Hardwood |